Valuable insights: 6 psychological traps in investing

Valuable Insights
As an established asset management company with more than 20 years of experience and over 1,500 customers, Genève Invest is one of the renowned representatives of the financial sector.
Thanks to these decades of experience, we are able to give you, as a private investor, valuable first-hand insights into the area of profitable asset management.
Building capital wealth takes time, effort and knowledge. The same goes for administration. We are happy to pass on our knowledge to you in this information brochure.
Psychological traps for private investors
The financial sector is and always has been an extremely large and complex space with many topics for discussion. One topic that is often discussed is psychological factors in making financial decisions.
While there are endless types of human behavior, this information booklet will only address a few that are particularly prevalent among retail investors. Emotions and temperament are often just as important as analysis and intelligence. As Warren Buffett noted, successful investing does not necessarily correlate with the investor’s intelligence quotient. What is often needed is the ability to systematically control greed, fear, and other drives and tendencies.
The Geneve Invest Group has been successfully active in the field of asset management for many years and offers you valuable insights into the capital market. Find out why we have had corporate bonds in our portfolio for more than 20 years and why nothing will change in the future.
Findings from countless depot analyses
As in practically all areas of daily life, professional players also have certain advantages over private individuals when it comes to investing. After all, they only deal with this topic every day and therefore have the necessary know-how and usually the best technical equipment. However, this in no way means that private investors would not be able to achieve attractive results on the stock exchange. However, an important prerequisite is that they consistently avoid typical investment errors and proceed systematically and methodically.
As an asset manager, Genève Invest offers interested investors, among other things, free portfolio analyses. In addition to the evaluation of the portfolio structure and a creditworthiness analysis, our services also include suggestions for reducing costs, increasing performance, and optimizing taxes. For us, this service has the advantage that we have gained insights into a large number of portfolios over the past two decades and have been able to observe very different approaches and strategies. It has been shown that investors tend to make certain mistakes when managing their assets, which are repeated over and over again in different forms. We, therefore, know which mistakes to avoid […]